What is InfoSec?

InfoSec short for Information Security, is the discipline of managing and securing information.  InfoSec is commonly misunderstood by organisations who think it is solely about securing information, when in fact, it also requires you to properly manage information to ensure it meets your needs and is kept secure. If you fail to manage your information, you are not only failing to secure it too, but you will also find it impossible to keep it up to date and ensure it is easily searchable. 

At vSEC, we take a holistic approach to InfoSec helping organisations to focus on the whole picture:

Cyber Security

Keeping your information secure, ensuring only the right people have access with the proper technical controls.

Risk Management

Understand the risks to your information, so you can ensure you have the proper controls in place.

Information Ownership

Information owners are identified and trained on their obligations for owning information. The list of owners are published to the organisation.

Threat Management

Keep up to date on the latest emerging threats and make sure security controls remain current.

Records Management

Records are only saved in locations that are secure and backed up; that records are held to ensure they meet current standards and legislative obligations.

Retention Policy

Only hold information you need for suitable period of time, as agreed with the information owners.

Information Management Structure

Make sure the right managers have clear responsibilities when it comes to information management and they understand their obligations.

Staff Awareness

It is important staff and managers understand the importance of information and the responsibilities they hold in keeping it up to date and in the correct location.

An attack or security breach inevitably leads to a loss of productivity across the whole of your organisation, a survey during 2020 by the UK government shows that the impact can be substantial.

We can help you create a structure that will keep your information secure and up to date through our services that embrace all information management components, from compliance to cyber security, from physical security to staff training and supply chain information risks.

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